When a close friend comes out as lesbian or bisexual, it can be a pivotal moment in your friendship. It's a vulnerable and courageous act for them to share their true selves with you, and it's important to respond with love, support, and understanding. If you're unsure of what to say or how to react, this article will guide you through the process of supporting your friend as they navigate this new chapter in their life.

So your friend has just shared something really personal with you, and you want to make sure you react in the best way possible. It's important to show them that you support and care for them no matter what. It can be a lot to take in, but remember that your friend has trusted you with this information. It's okay to ask questions and learn more about their experiences. Just remember to be respectful and understanding. For more tips on how to support your friend, check out this helpful guide here.

Express Your Support and Love

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The first thing you should do when a friend comes out to you is express your support and love for them. Let them know that you are there for them and that you accept them for who they are. You can say something like, "I'm so grateful that you shared this with me, and I want you to know that I support you no matter what."

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It's important to make sure they feel validated and accepted for their identity. Let them know that you love and appreciate them for who they are, and that your friendship is unwavering.

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Ask How You Can Support Them

After expressing your support, ask your friend how you can best support them as they navigate their identity. Some people may want to talk about their experiences and feelings, while others may prefer to keep it private. It's important to respect their boundaries and provide the support they need.

You can say something like, "I want to support you in any way I can. Is there anything specific that you need from me right now?" This shows that you are willing to be there for them in whatever capacity they need.

Educate Yourself

If you're not familiar with the LGBTQ+ community, take the time to educate yourself about their experiences and challenges. This will help you understand what your friend may be going through and how you can best support them.

You can read books, watch documentaries, or attend workshops to educate yourself about the LGBTQ+ community. Understanding the challenges they face and the discrimination they may encounter can help you become a better ally to your friend.

Avoid Making Assumptions

When a friend comes out to you, it's important to avoid making assumptions about their identity. They may be lesbian, bisexual, or another sexual orientation, and it's important to let them define their own identity.

Avoid saying things like, "I knew it" or "I never would have guessed." Instead, let your friend share their experiences and feelings without judgment or assumptions. This will create a safe and supportive space for them to be themselves.

Be Open and Accepting

It's important to be open and accepting of your friend's identity, even if it's new to you. Your friend may be navigating their own feelings and experiences, and it's important to listen and be supportive.

You can say something like, "I may not fully understand what you're going through, but I'm here to listen and support you in any way I can." This shows that you are open to learning and growing alongside your friend.

Offer to Be Their Ally

Your friend may be navigating new experiences and challenges as they come out, and it's important to offer to be their ally. This means standing up for them, advocating for their rights, and challenging discrimination and prejudice when you encounter it.

You can say something like, "I want to be a supportive ally for you, and I'm committed to standing up for your rights and advocating for equality." This shows that you are dedicated to being an active supporter of your friend's identity.


When a friend comes out as lesbian or bisexual, it's important to respond with love, support, and understanding. Express your support and love, ask how you can support them, educate yourself about the LGBTQ+ community, avoid making assumptions, be open and accepting, and offer to be their ally. By following these steps, you can create a safe and supportive space for your friend to be their true selves.